Get ready to test your web application security today!
Conducting a web application penetration test simulates malicious attacks to access sensitive data to assess if the system is secure. This involves internal and external scans that provide valuable intel about the target, expose any existing system vulnerabilities and uncover any exploits that would put security at risk. It is an essential security check to determine if further remediation and safety measures should be implemented.
Services that find vulnerabilities in your web applications
The complete report on security audit on vulnerabilities done in the Web Application. The report will contain complete Details about the Vulnerabilities, Explanations, References, and procedures to fix them.
The Cyber Audit can be done every month or every 3 months based on the requirement. Once the Vulnerabilities are resolved, ensure that remediation re-testing will be done.
Audit for Cyber Security for every update by the vendor, for example, when a PHP version is released or when the Apache version is released.
Logical, Payment Gateways, Social Engineering Vulnerabilities detection and Patching them.
Teaching Security Practices to all employees to prevent Social Engineering Attacks.
At JPM Technologies, we use a risk-based approach to manually identify any critical security issues within applications that are in scope. Our web app pen tests incorporate the results of automated industry-leading tools with manual testing to distinguish and verify security vulnerabilities, configuration errors, and business logic flaws. We use this proven strategy beneficial for both our clients and us by web application penetration testing methodology:
Detect injection faults, weak algorithms, backdoors, and data storage definitions with complete source code checks.
Domain and platform-based tests help create a complete understanding of the application threat landscape, including user privileges, critical transactions, and sensitive data.
Our security testers unbox the application to understand user profiles, business cases, functionality, and the code base (if a code review is commissioned).
Before creating a threat profile, our security testers develop a comprehensive business case profile that makes exploring all possible vulnerabilities and threats easier. Client feedback is received prior to moving to the next step.
Our professionals also provide remediation guidance, so your developers can fix these vulnerabilities with the help of remediation guidance provided by our professionals.
Our professionals also provide remediation guidance, so your developers can fix these vulnerabilities with the help of remediation guidance provided by our professionals.
The two main categories of web app penetration testing are Internal and External.
Internal Pen Testing evaluates potential weaknesses inside the organization's firewall on web applications hosted on the intranet. This involves ethical hacking to gain access to the system and assess the impact and route of an attack.
External Pen-Testing examines external threats on web apps hosted online. Ethical hackers (pen testers) mimic external assaults by targeting an IP address, front/back-end servers, and other internet-hosted apps - utilizing blind testing, double-blind, and targeted testing.
Nowadays, businesses can no longer do without web applications, APIs, and mobile apps to keep up with the daily flow of operations. These customer-facing applications must provide secure methods for completing transactions and performing other activities that typically involve sensitive data.
Our experts possess the expertise and experience required to enhance a web app's capability to cope with inside and outside security threats. With our help, your business can benefit from the following:
Reduce your cyber security risk with us!
Our pen testers act as ethical hackers while testing to help prevent companies from continuing to accumulate technical debt due to prior errors. We aim to give businesses the assurance they need that their cybersecurity is in safe hands with our professionals. For more information about services, get connected with us at jpmedusolutions.in.
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